From here, it’s the  light and the darkness colliding.

The silence of the world just before the sun’s rays grab hold of the world by its fingers of light.


Have you ever stood in the summer sun, so bright, such a commanding force, causing you to close your eyes.  Because sunlight begs not to be seen, but to be felt by the soul.

It seems your smile has collected so much of the sun, is has no choice but to collide with the darkness.  Filling the shadows of my soul with refined beams of light.



you must find your soul in nature.

harmonize with the outlet between two pines.

lie with the moon for the night.
the stars have already promised
their greatest magic tricks
for you.

you must find your soul in the wildflowers  
to the rhythms to the river.

and only in the moment can nature save you.

such opposing souls
you and i.
you the beginning and the end
mine but a sliver
in existence.
yet, you are the fire
and i the flame.
cotton candy.jpg
Abba, you have handpicked me,
not as the bolt of lightning
pirouetting among the charcoal clouds
nor the deep bellow of old man thunder.
my soul has been chosen as both.
And just as the sun
fell in love with moon,
your light met my darkness with a kiss.
an eclipse for all souls.

soul soles

These soul have gripped icy sidewalks
and mountaintop terrain,
have sunk into the depths of lake
and rain puddle.

These soles have
Swung in tires and Bounced on trampoline
slid and twirled on the dance floor.
Have tapped to a beat
and stomped in anger.

These soles
have been dressed
woolen socks in the winter’s snow
and mud stained toes in summer rains.

They’ve been
Melted by bonfire
pierced with cacti.

They’ve walked amongst strange souls
both familiar and unknown.
Have brought souls to one another
and separated a soul
from this world.

For hugs
they’ve been put on their toes.
For soul-ache
 been drug by their heels.
They’ve walked
through times of elation and droughts of sorrow.

In the silent depths of depression,
these soles
of feet.
They’ve stood,
knelt at The Alter.

Heavy or light,
Few or far between,
these sole have buffed off
leaving behind
remnants of a soul.

Now tattered
and without tread
these soles remain protectors
for a soul.

Soles  guided
not by those whose feet they carry
nor path
car wheel
The Creator of every
rain puddle this soul has tromped through
mountain top this soul has trekked to
and river bend this soul has sat next to.


(lol the ending got a little messy, but we’ll get there)

let your soul ache

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To be able to feel, 


(rooted so deep within your soul) an ache so paralyzing,

is a marvelous gift from God.

Our God, so majestic, →so out of time,

so beyond explanation, gave us these infinite souls with desires so vast it would be impossible  to not have soul aches from time to time.

Our God

made our souls malleable yet intractable in His Kingdom;

ever-flowing yet stagnant to the world.

→A soul of this nature cannot be elucidated nor compounded into an equation.

Science is silenced when this indescribable ache corrodes the barriers within our soul. Surrender and seize this moment.

When your soul physically constricts, cry out to your Father. In His time He will move you out of this time of aching, and onto your path of agape love. →Be patient in this season. Don’t take this love-ache as complacency. This hurt for an agape love is limitless, don’t draw a line on how much pain you can tolerate nor how much love your soul can harbor. Go beyond your pain tolerance and →love on each soul you encounter as if it were your own. This soul ache isn’t a punishment but a conviction. →A divine calling from The Abba to fall even deeper into this endless ocean of love.

chapter of choices: goals

I was recently asked what goals I had for myself. What goals I had for my career, my volunteering motivation, and my goals for my humanly existence.
Before I tell you mine, I really urge you to jot down your own goals for yourself. Don’t limit yourself to one area of your life; push yourself outside of your box and find even one goal that you can universally put into every area of your life. If you seek in purity of Christ, this goal may be fitting for the rest of your time here on Earth.

Here’s mine:
Have you ever walked into a high school weight room, and hanging on the wall are record weights lifted? What once were goals to achieve while under the squat rack, are now hanging up on the wall, to be beaten once again. Goals are embedded in nearly every aspect of our lives; for some it’s a lifting goal, others a GPA in school, shots scored in a basketball game, days without abusing drugs or abusing yourself, but all of these goals have one thing in common, the future.
Goals are reliant on the future, for if there were no future in our perspective, we would never have any goals. Regardless of what future means, being two minutes from now or twenty, our goals are reliant on our future, and our future on the goals.
My goal, my future, boils down to this: loving a new soul every day for the rest of my entirety of existence.
This is what I believe to be true in regards to my goal:
Loving a soul is never easy, for if it were it wouldn’t be based on conditions, which true love should always be unconditional. If my future can be filled and expressed through an unconditional love towards the souls i encounter, my future will have surpassed what I could have thought of for myself.
Love is sacrifice, and more often than not, sacrifice cannot be explained or reasoned, it just occurs when you have agape love for another soul. In all honesty, that’s what makes this an actual goal, actually something to really find motivation for…the sacrifice. To first, sacrifice my soul to Christ every day, so that I am able to sacrifice everything I do for others. The reasons a soul acts towards love may not be put into logical reason, but is to be put into the nature of God.
I cannot promise anything beyond the hard work and sacrifice that goes into this goal, but  I vow to undividedly and unconditionally love every sort of soul I encounter while on my journey.


Lose Yourself

IMG_2325Lose yourself.
Lose yourself in the way the leaves
Depart from their tree
In the
Autumn breeze .
In the way the wildflowers stretch
Out their stems in the wind, Lose yourself.
Lose yourself
To the sunshine,
The day,
The moment,
To the shapes in the clouds.
Lose yourself
To your imagination,
Your smile,
Your desires,
To a new adventure.
To the blankets that bring you
Closer on bitter nights.
Lose yourself to loving
New souls, and to
Lose yourself
to your soul.
Lose yourself
In trade for the sanctuary
Your Father

IMG_3504 Our call is to pursue the king. To seek Him not for what we want Him and our soul to be, but for what, who, and how He is in His rawness.

It seems as if our existence has transformed from the activity of one’s life, into the capacity one’s life can hold. This would mean we are expecting a finite amount our soul is capable of being filled. Our joy then, would be at a limit, and our God would be a cup that holds a finite amount of liquid.

Our joy can only be bound if we choose to shackle it to this earth. As iron sharpens iron, we must sharpen our soul to the growth pains action requires. You can’t tell God your soul is trying. He doesn’t want you to tell him you’re trying, for trying is a lazy verb that sets a capacity on God’s power within our souls. God wants us to quit trying and merely go out and “do”. “Doing” is the only action that accounts for a life of activity, not capacity.

“Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so. Amen. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is, and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:7–8—NKJV)